What does Florida consider negligence?


Generally stated, “negligence” means carelessness. It refers to the defendant’s failure to exercise reasonable care to avoid the accident. There is no formula available to determine whether the defendant’s action or a failure to act amounted to negligence – it all depends on whether the court believes that a reasonable person would have acted more…

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Are Ride-Sharing Accident Cases Hard to Win?


No two personal injury claims are identical, but cases tend to follow the same pattern. An experienced attorney, like the ones at Brian D. Guralnick Injury Lawyers, will be able to examine the relevant evidence and evaluate the best course of action for pursuing your legal claim. Don’t wait—call today to schedule a free case…

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How long does it take to settle a truck accident?


Every case is different. Legal disputes can take anywhere from a few months to over a year to settle. The more extensive the injuries and damages, the longer the timeline. Hiring one of our experienced injury law attorneys can help speed up the settlement process.  

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How should I select an appropriate personal injury lawyer to represent me?


An excellent personal injury lawyer should at least possess the following qualities: They should specialize in personal injury law. Asking a lawyer specializing in another field to represent you in your personal injury claim is like asking a heart surgeon to remove a brain tumor. They should possess years (preferably decades) of experience in personal…

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Should I speak directly with the insurance company?


No. Let us do your talking for you because we know how to handle insurance company executives. Insurance is a for-profit business, and insurance companies profit most by denying claims, not accepting them. Insurance company executives are trained professionals who can negotiate you into a deep hole if you let them. The best solution is…

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