Personal Injury Lawyer Helping the Injured in West Palm Beach by Using Fitbit Data Fitness tracking devices have become ubiquitous in today’s society. Whether you are at the office, out shopping in West Palm Beach, or out on the sand, you are bound to find several people their counting steps or logging miles with an…
How to Keep Your Pool Safe this Summer
If it were up to me, we would be out of a job. We never want to see anyone get seriously injured, and every case that we handle is a reminder of just how easily a normal day can suddenly become the day that changes the rest of your life. From driving to work to…
Understanding Florida’s Stand-Your-Ground Law
As most people seem to know, has one of the most protective stand-your-ground laws in the country. Under Florida’s law, a person who is under attack or who witnesses an attack on someone else is justified in using force – even deadly force – to prevent death or “great bodily harm.” But, what most people…
The Heavy Burden Spinal Cord Injuries
According to data released by the National SCI Statistical Center, approximately 12,000 people suffer spinal cord injuries (SCI) in the United States each year. Unfortunately, based upon the number of vehicle, boating, pedestrian, and slip-and-fall accidents we see each year, we know that many of these victims are residents and visitors. SCI: The Financial Costs…
Florida Pedestrian Accidents Are All Too Common
According to the Governors Highway Safety Association, Florida has the second highest rate of pedestrian deaths per resident in the United States. This is a startling statistic, and one that highlights just how important it is for pedestrians of all ages to be careful while out enjoying the weather in Palm Beach County. However, as…