Once you choose a law firm to handle your personal injury claim, you will have taken the first major step toward securing a financial recovery. However, pursuing financial compensation after an accident is a process, and you will need to work closely with your attorney at many steps along the way. In order to help…
25 Common Symptoms of a Traumatic Brain Injury
A traumatic brain injury (TBI) is any type of brain injury that results from a sudden impact or jolt of the head. Traumatic brain injuries can result from almost any type of accident or collision – including auto accidents, boating accidents, and slips and falls. How common are traumatic brain injuries? Each year, over a…
What is a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)?
Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) are among the most catastrophic types of injuries victims can suffer in vehicle collisions and other accidents. If you have suffered a traumatic brain injury, understanding the causes, prognosis, and long-term treatment for TBI can be crucial not only for protecting your health, but also for preserving your right to financial…
Save A Life, Install a Backup Camera without exception
The Department of Transportation proposed rules in 2010 that stated that all new cars and light trucks would have to install backup cameras without exception. The instilling of these regulations were delayed a fair few times after automotive manufacturers and government officials objected due to concerns relating to costs. Before leaving office this year, Transportation…
5 client promises
My team and I have made these 5 client promises: 1. Listen to and understand our clients’ circumstances; 2. Help every client who comes to us; 3. Form a partnership with our client; 4. Be available and provide guidance throughout every aspect of a client’s care; and 5. See that…