Should I speak directly with the insurance company?

Categories: FAQs

No. Let us do your talking for you because we know how to handle insurance company executives. Insurance is a for-profit business, and insurance companies profit most by denying claims, not accepting them. Insurance company executives are trained professionals who can negotiate you into a deep hole if you let them. The best solution is to hire a trained professional to deal with them.

Another danger in talking to the insurance company is that they might use deception to get you to make a statement that they can use against you later or use the delay to lull you into missing the statute of limitations deadline.


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Brian D. Guralnick

About the Author: Brian D. Guralnick

Brian D. Guralnick has been successfully representing injured accident victims in Florida since 1993. He has been voted “Best of the Best” personal injury lawyer by the Palm Beach Post for multiple years. If you have been injured in any type of accident, please call Brian and his team 24/7 at 561-202-6673.